- 2500tmc water released into the ocean in four months
Jaishankar Bhupalapally, Velugu: Thanks to torrential rains .Water, water all the way seems to be the situation in the state of Telangana, with river Godavari registering a record of sorts in terms of floods. Due to the incessant rains all through the monsoon season and release of water from upper levels the river Godavari has been flooded.. And the 35 years of flood record is rewritten. In the united Andhra Pradesh the highest floods to Godavari river was recorded in 1986. Since then there has not been such a massive floods to Godavari until now. The irrigation officials confirming that the present flood situation is the highest in the last 35 years. During the last four months period starting from June, 2500tmc of Godavari water was released into the Ocean. It is a fact that the wasted water is 11 times more than the 225tmc water planned to be lifted from the Kaleswaram project yearly. Though there had been good rains during the last year only 1800tmc water was released into the Bay of Bengal. Due to massive rains for the first time the Medigadda barrage received 11.60cusics of flood water on 23 July. For Yellampally barrage also the flood water reached a record level of 6.5cusecs. The officials confirm that releasing of 1200tms water into the ocean also a record. Floods to Godavari is very rare even ones for a year. But this year by now it has been flooded three times. On account of the impact of low pressures, monsoon and Gulab cyclone affect there were heavy rains in July, August and September. Along with neighboring Maharastra all the catchment of Godavari river flooded with heavy rains continuously for three days. As a result of it the floods to Godavari started in July continued for hundred days. Normally officials would close all the gates of projects on Godavari river in the month of October. Now this year is a different case, they have been releasing 4lakh cusecs of water from Mediguda barrage every day downwards. They also indicated that due to two severe floods 10cusecs water had to be released in September. In an unprecedented manner, the Sriram Sagar project received heavy flood water in the monsoon season and a total amount of 555tmc water reached the project.