Karimngar, Velugu: As the contestants of all the political parties have been confirmed, the campaign heat for the Huzurabad bye-election is rising day by day and is becoming hectic. For this prestigious seat former minister Etela Rajendra is contesting as BJP candidate while Gellu Srinivas and Balmuru Venkat contesting as ruling TRS and opposition Congress candidates respectively. For the poling to be held on 30th of this month, all the parties have sharpened their winning strategies with BJP and TRS even forming bye-elections teams so as see that no chance is lost. The state BJP chief Bandi Sanjay campaigned on Sunday along with Etela Rajandra while Minister Harish Rao, appointed as in charge, has been sharpening the strategies by camping at Singapur. He participate in a Dhoom Dham programme held at Kamalapur on Sunday. The Congress leaders say that they would speed up the campaign in a day or two.
The state BJP chief Bandi Sanjay, who ended his padayatra on Saturday, is focusing his energies on Huzurabad election and started the campaign on Sunday. He expressed confidence that in the fight between lure of money and Lotus the victory would be for BJP. He asked the Chief Minister If he is ready to resign his post by taking moral responsibility in case TRS suffers a defeat in the poll. After resigning from government and TRS posts, Etela Rajendra covered all the Mandals in the constituency by meeting people and his wife Jamuna also has been campaigning for him rigorously. The BJP formed an election team under former MP Jitender Reddy along with MPs Dharmapuri Arvind, Soyam Baburao and MLA Raghunandan Rao. Though the team has not entered the campaign fully as yet, former MPs Vivek Venkataswamy, former MLA Yenugu Ravinderreddy and others have been campaigning in support of Etela Rajendra. The BJP leaders are saying that Jitendra Reddy team will take up the campaign for Etela in a day or two and gave indications that there is a possibility of some Central Ministers and BJP national leaders coming for the campaign. The BJP sources say that there will be a public meeting to be addressed by the Union home minister Amit Shah.
Taking up the responsibility of ensuring a victory for TRS candidate Gellu Srinivas, Minister Harish Rao directing the campaign modes to be adopted in order to win voters and is touring all the Mandals along with party candidate whild conducting meetings with party leaders on a daily basis. He is considering BJP candidate Etela Rajendra as the main opponent and has been targeting him by countering comments of leaders like Bandi Sanjay. The TRS leaders, who had conducted conducted hectic meetings with all sections of people, have changed the campaign route because of election code. The local leader are holding meetings with party workers and assessing the ground level scene.
Congress gets boost
With the announcement of Balmuru Venkat as the candidate the Congress workers and its leaders are readying themselves for the fight. Though the party got 50 thousand votes during 2018 Assembly and Lok Sabha elections, it could not win as it did not have a strong candidate. With the appointment of Revanth Reddy as the PCC chief, now the Party hoping for a victory in the constituency. Leaders like Jeevan Reddy, Sridharbabu, Ponnam Prabhakar, who have some kind of influence in the constituency,will take up the campaign leadership, the party leader s assert. As there is only 25 days for the poling all the three parties have been trying their best to woo the voters and grab the seat with every party having its own way of attracting the people. As there is possibility for the flow of liquor and money in order to lure the voters the officlals have taken stringent steps to prevent them and formed check posts at all ways that to lead to this constituency.