Laid the foundations and lured the voters!
Development, a far cry in Warangal
Hanumakonda, Velugu: The talk of the leaders to change the entire city within six months during Greater Warangal Municipal elections has become nothing. The leaders who assured are no where to be seen. During that period, crores of rupees works were announced but even after four months have elapsed, nothing has happened so far. Some works have not crossed the tender stage as yet. For some other works, lands have not been allocated yet. Most of the works started by the state minister KTR are still pending. The same is being repeated in the Huzurabad bye elections. The leaders who are participating in the election campaigns are announcing works worth crores of rupees. The MLA’s and the ministers are laying even foundation stones for them and are making no stone unturned to lure the people with many assurances. The people in Warangal are of the opinion that the TRS leaders are deceiving the people of Huzurabad with false assurances. They think that the assurances given by the ministers and MLAs are just to attract them and nothing will happen after the elections are over.
More than 400 foundation stones
Before the greater Warangal Municipal elections, the situation there was so pathetic. The colonies that get submerged even with a small rain and the roads that resembled lakes, was the scene during the elections. The ruling party leaders who assured the people then that the Warangal city would have greater development just in six months period. And it gave assurances and also started foundation stones for many projects. Before 3 days of the release of election notification for the Warangal corporation on 12th April, minister KTR came to the city and initiated many development works, including Badhrakali Bund development with rupees 65 crores, 54 crores for Sammaih nagar flood canal development and a smart road from labour colony to CKM road with£8.35 crores. He laid foundation stones for about 28 projects with an expected investment of 600 crores.
In a public meeting held at Warangal port road ground, the minister KTR said the government would develop Warangal in a manner that would surprise everybody. But even after 6 months since the elections were held, no development has taken place so far. But in the Warangal Municipal elections, people believed TRS and elected it. It won 48 divisions out of 66 divisions. But development works for which the minister KTR laid foundations have not yet been completed. There has not been any review of the development work. And in some cases, the works were left incomplete. Against this background, the people of Huzurabad are thinking that the efforts of TRS leaders in laying foundation stones and announcing works may end there itself. The people think that the leaders would leave them after the elections were over as they did in Warangal. The people of Warangal are cursing the TRS for leaving them in hopelessness. Jogi Andaalamma of Vinayak Nagar says that the TRS leaders just lured them for getting votes. Nothing had happened later. The leaders that came then are not to be seen now.