- No solutions to Dharani problems
- Lakhs of people suffer
Hyderabad, Velugu : The Dharani portal, intended to solve land problems in a comprehensive manner, has become more problematic for the farmers who hoped that it would reduce their hardships. The portel instead of resolving their existing problems led to cropping up of a number of new problems. After the introduction of grevance module lakhs of people have put in applications on a number of problems they were facing and thought that they would be solved. But nothing of that has happened. It just helped to correct the spelling mistakes in the Dharani portal records and nothing more than that. The Government itself agreed that there are 18 problems in the portal but no rectification has taken place as yet. As a result of it the farmers are making rounds to the offices of tahsildars to get their land problems solved. But the officials themselves are unable to do anything as there are no options in the portal. Realizing the problems in the Dharani portal the government has appointed a cabinet sub committee and asked it to study the problems and solve them comprehensively. Even though it was appointed some twenty days back it has not met even once as the Finance Minister Harish Rao who heads the committee has been busy in the Huzurabad by poll. It seems that there is no hope and scope for the sub committee to meet in near future. The portal was started on 2 nd of November last year with the aim to solve all the problems pertaining to lands but almost thirty kinds of land issues and there had been no solution to them. The agony of the farmers whose lands were included in the prohibited list, has been pathetic with no solution forthcoming inspite of making rounds to the offices of Tahsildars and Collectors.
Lakhs of acres of private patta lands and ex service men lands went into the prohibited list. Though they were willing to give some land for projects and keep some for cultivation. But to their dismay entire land went into the prohibited list. Protesting it more than one lakh people filed applications asking the government to exclude their lands from the prohibited list but 80 thousand of them were rejected outright without any inquiry. The case of 1,85,036 people is different. Their problems pertain to non issuance of land pass book, even after they got it there was no mention of land details and so on. As there is no option to solve the problem in the portal the officials have rejected some applications and some are still pending. The tendency of the officials to reject their applications frustrating the applicants who are openly expressing their anger. With the Chief Secratery Somesh Kumar ordering them to solve all the pending applications on the dash board in two days period, the Collectors rejected the applications en masse on 1st and 2nd of this month even not going into them. There has been criticism over it and the people are questioning the government for its failure to solve their problems.