Hyderabad,Velugu : The thoughtless actions of the State Government is causing a lot of agony among the tenth students and the teaching community. The students, who have been away from schools, are just attending the classes offline and at the same time the orders, issued by the Education Ministry that entire syllabus should be covered is shocking everyone alike. Though there have been offline classes for the last one and half year and teachers could most of the syllabus, but now the officials say that the lessons should be taught from the start. They also gave a deadline of 90 days to complete the 100percent syllabus. The possibility of it is being questioned by Head Masters and the teachers. The academic year starts in June every year and due to Corona oneline classes were taken up from July 1st this year. As the Corona severity was reduced the Government started schools from 1st of September and ordered that entire Tenth syllabus must be completed by 10th January. The to be noted here is that the students who studied 9th class online were promoted to 10th class basing on the marks they got. It is also the fact that 10th lessons are to be taught to the students by taking into consideration of 9th lessons. The teachers say that they have to refer the 9 th syllabus so as to make the 10th students to understand the lessons. During the year 2020-21 physical classes were conducted only for a few days. As a result of it the Education Ministry said that only 70percent of the syllabus would be considered to conduct 10th exams. But not it has changed its decision and compels the teachers to complete 100percent syllabus for the exams. Though the physical classes were started from 1st September, they had to struggle a lot to motivate the students to attend the classes physically as they habituated for online classes, the teachers explain their situation. As the actual teaching of lessons was started only ten days back, the teachers say, how could they complete the entire syllabus by 10th of January? The maths and Physics subjects are very hard for the students to understand and it is still harder as the students have not been to schools for the last one and half year. The situation has become a testing time for them due to the orders of the Government, the teachers say. It is also a fact that very few students attended the online classes and ever fewer the ones who understood the subjects taught online. In this back drop it is virtually impossible for them to complete 14 units in maths an 12 units in physics the teachers lament. The students and the teachers appeal to the Government to reduce the syllabus to 70 percent to help them to overcome the predicament.